立即免費登記:亞洲最大食品展SIAL CHINA中食展


第十九屆SIAL China中食展將於五月上海舉行,來自21個食品類別的展商將在162,000平方米的13個展館內展出產品。SIAL China展會期間將舉辦多頂豐富活動,包括美食廚房、葡萄酒創新論壇、茶葉沖煮大賽等,見証世界味道的融合和突破。展覽預期吸引超過3,400參展商和11萬訪客,為進一步促進國際合作和創新交流,中食展將提供在線商務配對系統和BAB商務平台,為展商和訪客尋找目標客戶提供便利。預先登記系統已全面開放,業內人士成功註冊可獲取免費訪客入場證。

Asia’s Largest Food Innovation Exhibition: SIAL CHINA Opens Soon!

The 19th SIAL China exhibition will be held in Shanghai this May. As Asia’s largest food exhibition, it provides a platform offers products across 21 food sectors, cover 13 exhibition halls with 162,000 sqm, a must-visit food exhibition of the year. Numerous events and over dozens of cooking demonstrations will attract an expected 110,000 visitors over the course of the 3-day expo! To further enhance international cooperation, SIAL China will also offer e-business services, including a Match-Making System and BAB platform. These platforms will allow participants to connect with each other based on their business interests.
Reserve your FREE admission badge now at http://www.sialchina.com/visitorbadge.html


Date: May 16-18, 2017
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre

Contact: Ms. Lillian Lao
T: +852 2294 7715 (SIAL CHINA Hong Kong – Visitor Promotion)
E: business1@fccihk.com
W: http://www.sialchina.com/