第二屆世界冧酒峰會載譽重歸(2025年2月12至14日重臨巴黎) MONDIAL DU RHUM RETURNS WITH A RENEWED FOCUS ON ARTISANAL PRODUCTION (February 12-14, 2025 in Paris)






繼2024年首屆峰會大獲成功後,第二屆世界冧酒峰會(Mondial du Rhum)將於2025年2月12至14日重臨巴黎,全球冧酒(Rum,又譯作蘭姆酒、朗姆酒)與烈酒行業人士雲集蓬尼阿爾宮(Palais Brongniart),探討行業挑戰與機遇,擘畫行業未來藍圖。今屆峰會規模較上年翻倍,預計逾3000名訪客參觀,錄得來自30個國家的逾100間展商參展,其中包括來自法國海外省(瓜德羅普、馬提尼克、法屬圭亞那、留尼汪島及法屬玻里尼西亞)的20間展商。較傳統貿易展會不同,世界冧酒峰會是一個充滿活力、鼓勵創新與各方對話的平台。

Following an acclaimed debut edition in 2024, the International Rum Summit (Mondial du Rhum) returns to Paris this February 12-14th, assembling key players from the rum and spirits ecosystem for 3 action-packed days to discuss the challenges and myriad opportunities shaping the future of the industry. As a can’t-miss business event, the Mondial du Rhum will showcase 100 exhibitors from all over the world (doubling in size compared to last year) including a large contingent from French overseas territories (20 exhibitors from Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion Island, and French Polynesia). Going beyond a trade show, the Mondial is also a dynamic forum for innovation and discussion, implicating stakeholders from every facet of the rum industry. This year, the event is expected to welcome more than 3000 visitors along with delegations from 30 countries.


Focusing on the Heart of the Rum Ecosystem



峰會主辦者Patrick Loger肯定道:「冧酒行業的飛速發展離不開那些辛勤工作、守護我們風土並積極拓展行業未來潛力的人們。今年,我們希望透過會議與圓桌討論,讓這些『幕後英雄』的故事被聽見,並且推動冧酒行業向更具生態責任的方向發展。」

The rum ecosystem continues to show promise and represents a worldwide market of several billion dollars –making it an important economic driver for many countries, including France. At the heart of this industry’s success are its producers, who continue to push the boundaries of the spirit, exploring new heights while still preserving the traditional methods for which rum has become famous. This year’s Mondial du Rhum will have a special focus on the men and women of the industry, from the sugarcane farmers at the start of the process to the biochemists analysing the raw materials, to the distillers who balance flavours to create the rum, going all the way to the end of the production chain to include buyers, distributors and critics.

Rum’s exponential growth and continued success would not be possible without all of the people who work diligently to preserve our terroir and develop its future”, explains event organizer Patrick Loger. “Now more than ever, we wanted to highlight these profiles at the Mondial, through conferences and roundtables, as we build a more eco-responsible rum industry.”


Conference Programming: Addressing the Key Issues of the Rum Industry




  • Gault& Millau美食指南總監Nicolas Molina米芝連星廚Anthony Denon主持,探討糧食主權和美食外交
  • 「冧酒G20」論壇,探尋甘蔗農民與全球冧酒產業發展之間的潛在聯繫
  • Rum & Saragassum 等機構專業人士,探討有關人工智能在冧酒創新中發揮的作用
  • 聯合國外交官Philbert Aaron東加勒比國家組織青年大使Daniella Letal,聯席討論冧酒行業職業發展前景
  • Rum Wonk & Wonk Press 總監 Matt Pietrek 主講專題討論

As opposed to other industry events that are limited to tastings, the Mondial will go further, providing additional content via an exciting program of 10 conferences. The conference agenda is centered around 4 pillars: Business, Public Affairs, Innovation and Education

Over 100 speakers from all over the world and from every part of the rum ecosystem will share insights on these topics, celebrating the expertise of rum artisans and generating inspiration for further development. In keeping with its goal to promote the rum ecosystem, this year’s conferences include:

  • An exploration of food sovereignty and culinary diplomacy featuring Nicolas Molina, Director at Gault& Millau, and Michelin-starred chef Anthony Denon
  • A “G20 of Rum” panel delving into the profound connection between sugarcane farmers and the global evolution of rum –the pinnacle of this year’s programming
  • A conversation on the role of AI in rum innovation, with speakers from Rum & Saragassum amongst others
  • A discussion on the career perspectives for rum professionals, featuring Philbert Aaron, UN Diplomat, and Daniella Letal, Ambassador for Young Caribbeans from the Eastern Caribbean States Organization
  • An insight into “name of conference” Matt Pietrek, Managing Director, Rum Wonk and Wonk Press



For more information and full conference agenda, please consult the official site:
